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Should I Pull My Child’s Loose Baby Tooth?

Should I Pull My Child's Loose Baby Tooth?

As a parent, you will get to experience many exciting milestones, including the first wiggly tooth! But what if that loose tooth won’t fall out? Should you give it a helping hand? If you’re not quite sure, visit Smile Explorers Pediatric Dentistry for an evaluation. Our dedicated team will ensure your child’s smile and oral health development stay on track.

Why Do Teeth Wiggle?

Before attempting to pull out a wiggly tooth, it’s important to understand what’s happening in your child’s mouth. Your little one’s baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, will naturally become loose and fall out to make room for the adult teeth. This process typically starts around age six and can continue until your child is about twelve. Children’s teeth usually fall out in the order they came in. Once they become wobbly, it’s time to prepare for a tooth fairy visit!

Aside from natural baby tooth loss, a tooth may become loose after an accidental blow to the face. That always warrants a visit to Smile Explorers Pediatric Dentistry for an evaluation to prevent infection or other complications.

Should You Pull Your Child’s Loose Tooth?

Most loose teeth fall on their own when it’s time. While it’s often tempting to intervene, pulling a loose tooth when only slightly loose can be painful and lead to infection or damage to the underlying permanent tooth. The baby tooth’s root typically dissolves as its adult replacement emerges, making it easier and less painful for the tooth to fall out on its own.

When Should You Consider Intervening?

In some cases, intervention may be necessary. If your child asks for help, try wiggling the tooth. If it’s only slightly loose or if it’s painful, the tooth is not yet ready to fall out, so it’s best to let nature take its course. If, however, the tooth is extremely loose and causing discomfort or interfering with eating and speaking, it may be appropriate to help it along. Wash your hands, grab a clean tissue, and gently remove the tooth.

In most cases, we prefer the “waiting” approach. Teaching your kids the importance of patience and waiting for the tooth to fall out naturally will help limit bleeding, pain, and the chances of infection.

When Should You See Your Child’s Pediatric Dentist?

If you notice any of the following, it’s time to visit Smile Explorers Pediatric Dentistry:

  • The loose tooth is causing significant pain or discomfort.
  • There’s redness, swelling, or signs of infection around the tooth.
  • The permanent tooth is emerging while the baby tooth is still firmly in place.
  • Your child is anxious or distressed about the loose tooth.

Keeping Your Children’s Teeth Healthy and Sound

Remind your child to keep brushing and flossing regularly, and make sure you schedule routine dental visits to keep those pearly whites healthy and sound. Our team at Smile Explorers Pediatric Dentistry is happy to demonstrate good oral care habits for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Celebrate each milestone with your little one. Losing a tooth is a big deal for a child. Make it fun, whether it’s a visit from the tooth fairy or a special treat!

Pediatric Dental Care Near Me in Glendale, AZ

If you’re not quite sure whether to pull a loose baby tooth or let it fall out naturally, contact Smile Explorers Pediatric Dentistry to schedule a consultation. Dr. Dave and his team will answer your questions and make sure your little one’s oral health stays in tip-top shape. We invite you to call us at 623-322-2277 to schedule your child’s appointment today!